The Spring Break challenge winners are here!
182 designs /
printed designs /
24,408 votes placed
The challenge was
Submit a design for a tee perfect for Spring Break
It’s time to channel sun, surf, and sand. Design the perfect tee for spring break!
We know it’s a dire winter situation out there for many of you. But we’re here to offer you an escape. Forget that it’s January and fill your mind with sunshine and seashells. Curse your sweatshirts, long johns, and clunky, oppressive snow gear; instead, recall the breezy, lightweight tees of warmer weather. Say no to steamy chicken noodle soup and toasty hot chocolate; they’re for those who have allowed themselves to succumb to winter’s torture. You, my friend, are to order ice cream and mai tai’s. Because YOU are dreaming of SPRING BREAK.
Whether spring break makes you think of beaches, road trips, cocktails, or simply a whole bunch of time to catch up on sleep and awesomely terrible TV, we want you to design a tee that shouts “SPRING BREAK!” from the rooftop of every hotel across the Caribbean. Make it your personal goal that your design captures the anticipation, excitement, and glory of spring break in such perfect form that come March, every spring breaker from coast to coast will be sporting your tee in celebration.
And since spring break means tanned shoulders (duh), we encourage you to think outside the tee and submit your design on a tank!
So go throw on a pair of flip-flops, don your swimsuit, and see what the spring break vibes awaken!
Challenge Details
$500 Threadless GC
Up to $7 on each t-shirt of your design sold on! Read more...