Artist Statement
This design is lifted from the pages of James Spooner’s 365 page graphic novel, The High Desert. Ty, one of the characters in the book, wears this shirt on several pages.
It’s 1989. A black kid find punk rock in a town with a serious Nazi problem.
It’s 1989. A black kid find punk rock in a town with a serious Nazi problem.
Praise for The High Desert - Black.Punk. Nowhere.
Ian McKaye - There’s something so recognizable in The High Desert…I suspect in a way we were all there at one time in our lives, navigating and negotiating as we figured out just who the fuck we were and who
was with us. I loved this book.
Kathleen Hanna - In his new memoir, we learn about the major pitfalls and minor triumphs that put Spooner on the path to realize his dream of an all Black mosh pit. Beautifully written and illustrated ‘The High Desert’ is a must-have for every music fan. After I finished reading it I kept wishing a 2nd, 3rd and 4th volume would magically appear so it didn’t have to end.
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