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The art of Justyna Dorsz aka Fox Shiver

Creator of things Fox Shiver draws inspiration from the cats she meets and a fox she once saw in a forest. Although her line drawings of animals and woodsy scenes have a charmingly simple aesthetic, they convey complex human emotions, such as uncertainty, tiredness, and “NOPE.” Help protect the human rights of people all around the world by shopping designs for this Cause, which benefit organizations addressing issues such as extreme poverty and voter suppression.

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Artist and indie game developer Justyna Dorsz, also known as Fox Shiver, expresses a wide range of emotions with her simple line drawings of cats, dogs, forests, and outer space. Her Threadless collection is full of cute and funny tees that remind us how strange life can be and how awesome pizza is. Wear her designs on an everyday t-shirt or use it to decorate your home with a variety of museum-quality wall art.

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