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Pocket Tees

The Pocket Tees challenge winners are here!

530 designs /
printed designs / 150,323 votes placed

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The challenge was

Submit a design for a pocket tee

Pens, lint, loose change, bobby pins, rubber bands, ticket stubs, buttons, candy wrappers, phones, wallets, tiny little butlers.

We all know what goes in pockets, but what would you put ON them?

We've introduced a brand new Threadless canvas into the mix: a pocket tee! Your challenge is create a design that utilizes that special fabric pouch in the most very awesomest of ways.

Download the template and pull out your pencils, pens and styluses. It's time to pocket and lock it.

*Due to the nature of printing on or around a pocket, certain designs may not be workable.*

Challenge Details

  • $2,000 cash

  • $500 Threadless gift code

  • $200 Visa Gift Card to buy all the pens, pencils and sharpies you can fit in your pocket

  • Any items found in JeffreyG's pocket at the time of prize distribution

  • One banana

Designs From This Challenge