I will be Chicago doing a convention on the weekend of the 25th of June and I was wondering if one of you awesome guys or gals would be interested in getting a free tattoo on that Friday morning/afternoon.
The tattoo would need to be around a 4 hour piece and very, very awesome, you can tell me what you want but it needs to be 100% designed by me and in my style.

Let me know if who is interested and we can begin to narrow it down to one of ya!

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this is dangerous. i've been thinking for a very long time of getting a couple to a few tulips (the ottoman flower - i'm turkish)... similar to this:
Ryder profile pic Alumni
whoever wants to get a tattoo of my face in a heart border has my permission
Ryder profile pic Alumni
i'm just going to say...also...that all the cool kids are getting this tattooed on you want to be cool....
i'm interested -- could you do a calvin and hobbes three quarter sleeve? link me a portfolio
Damn, everyone is interested. I'm also tempted by this, I just need to come up with something nerdy enough to go with my Legend of Zelda tattoo.
(its probably better that i failed to post that picture. there are inappropriately dressed ladies within it. you've been warned.)
hisartwork profile pic Alumni
ive never seen so many "pink" commenters in one blog!!!! this is such a cool and thoughtful idea!!
I'm just going to staff delete all the other staff members so it looks like I'm the only one interested.
wearecareful profile pic Staff
I have a threadless design that is actually being worked up right now to go on my arm but I also have always wanted to get a detailed anatomically correct heart with and arrow through it and have my two kids names and birth dates. I also wanted the warhol gernade from the Invisibles and and I've also wanted the last few lines from a Tony Hoagland poem called "Adam and Eve" somewhere on me: "Until we say the truth, there can be no tenderness. As long as there is desire, we will not be safe"
ok ok what about something like this except the skull would be made of chocolate like in "bitter teeth".
ArTrOcItY profile pic Alumni
Oh man, that is so unfair, they already have everything, they're working for threadless and now they can get a free tattoo from you! You lucky people you!
HorsefaceDee profile pic Alumni
if someone gets a unicorn for boys tattooed on themselves i will marry him/her
you should stage a staffer knife fight, winner gets a tat to make their hurty cuts look pretty.
So, how big do you want that "Print Mark722" tattoo?
oh my god! I need an adult.
i'd like to change my tattoo slightly. the skull still be chocolate but it should be a dragon skull with snakes wrapped around or through it. maybe includes the ladies.
i'm in a public library, man!
uncannyxjen profile pic Alumni
Is an original Clash of the Titans movie tattoo too dorky?
one more reason i wish i worked for threadless
silverqe profile pic Alumni
JeF on Apr 28 '10 at 3:45pm I'm just going to staff delete all the other staff members so it looks like I'm the only one interested. Realol. But seriously, lucky ass Threadless staff :( :( So nice of you, Mark!!
mark722 profile pic Alumni
ok, this got insane : ) Lance and his heart and kids tattoo is in for sure so email me dude! I figure it will take about 2 hours so Im willing to squeeze in another 2 tattoo's so keep the designs coming! P.S. any help with a shirt print will greatly improve your chances of getting your tattoo ; ) lol
Ma Bell
No sleep for Mark. lol
uncannyxjen profile pic Alumni
Small tatttoo idea?
mark722 profile pic Alumni
haha, I would love to do an original Clash of the Titans tattoo! what did you have in mind?
mark722 profile pic Alumni
awwww, love ya!
uncannyxjen profile pic Alumni
I mean, what didn't I have in mind? There's so much to the movie! I kinda wanted a little scene that had a couple of the characters in it, but that might be a bigger project. Need some Bubo, pegasus and Medusa action.
mark722 profile pic Alumni
mark722 profile pic Alumni
uncannyxjen profile pic Alumni
I mean, what didn't I have in mind? There's so much to the movie! I kinda wanted a little scene that had a couple of the characters in it, but that might be a bigger project. Need some Bubo, pegasus and Medusa action.
uncannyxjen profile pic Alumni
I mean, what didn't I have in mind? There's so much to the movie! I kinda wanted a little scene that had a couple of the characters in it, but that might be a bigger project. Need some Bubo, pegasus and Medusa action.
You should tattoo yourself tattooing yourself tattooing yourself into INFINITY.
jen, your name should be showing up pink/red, i think. but it's not :(
mark722 profile pic Alumni
I was wondering about that
Coleblotcky profile pic Alumni
i've been wanting the miller highlife girl, but all beat up and whoreish looking and shit. and it says LOWLIFE underneath.... you know, real classy like. either that or a cake with a file in it for Thin Lizzy's Jail Break....
hisartwork profile pic Alumni
this could, unintentinally, be the start of something really bad.... staff bribes for prints!!!! hahahahaahaa Ill tatoo "i
hisartwork profile pic Alumni
Ill tatoo "i
hisartwork profile pic Alumni
Ill tatoo "i heart threadless" on my bicept for a print! :P just kidding, i know threadstaff is better than that and Mark is just a sweet guy!
can't wait to see the outcome of this!
what about a portrait of my ugly cat or danny elfman as the devil in forbidden zone
oh god i cant stop. or what about cover art or a scene from the 1959 version of jules vernes journey to the center of the earth?? best movie EVER.
hisartwork profile pic Alumni
forbidden zone was a great movie!!! but if i was to get a tatoo of anyone from that movie it would be Squeezit, or renee, when hes wearing the micky mouse ears hat
hisartwork profile pic Alumni
i can't compete.
uncannyxjen profile pic Alumni
So is it settled that all the staff will arm wrestle for the tattoo? I've been getting pretty buff carrying boxes of 150 shirts around the warehouse all day.
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