Ive Been Ripped - Im So Flattered!

While I don't claim to be the originator of blocky pie shaped lettering, I did create this lettering (not a font) and hand rotated my original sub piece by piece with love in illustrator.

my original sub

beatbeatwings blatent rip

Now, I would normally not really bring this up, however this dude seems to have a history of ripping:

<a href="http://www.wwww.threadless.com/submission/134497/Rock_Music_Fans/showmore,designs

What action can be taken? ">more beatbeatwing rippage

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ISABOA profile pic Alumni
Stabbing action
I know this design will never win - bit of a conflict since it was printed elsewhere (I still own the rights) - but its just weird, I was checking out all this guys subs (he has a TON of them) and seems like he has many many "inspired" designs - does it hit a point where he becomes impervious to the stabbing action? and if so, should there be more of a slicing or parlaying action?
againstbound profile pic Alumni
He is a reincident plagiarist, I guess there's no harm in contacting Threadless about it, they have deleted accounts on that basis before.
well, I have never been ripped before - im not really good enough to be ripped ;) so I thought it was pretty funny actually. Not like I am going to start drawing wieners on his face (ala emptees) and hacking his myspace.
againstbound profile pic Alumni
If it was a design of mine I would contact Threadless, better get rid of the plagiarist, they do nothing but pollute the community.
courtney pie
be flattered, then light a bag of dog poo on their porch.
MadeWithAwesome profile pic Alumni
So sorry this happened to you lovetees, we will judge, jury and execute the mofo swiftly for you.