Some Arguments have to be solved with FIST

No one knows what started this war but there may not be a peaceful way to end it.

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No one knows what started this war but there may not be a peaceful way to end it.
haha i love what you did with the rock. very cute(;
Bio-bot 9000
Bio-bot 9000 profile pic Alumni
lol @ international politics subtly represented as hand games. nice job!
ginetteginette profile pic Alumni
the dimensions of objects here hurts my brain: -the paper compared to the table, the paper seems cut diagonally?? -the table lets being really weird and not matching up -the legs of the chair the rock is sitting on, one in the distance and three on the same horizontal field? surely that would topple over. could use a helluva lot more refinement.
ginetteginette profile pic Alumni
by table lets i meant legs.
HorsefaceDee profile pic Alumni
the line weighst are too similar and too thin....a very flat drawing
mat redvers
ha ha! fantastically cruddy
MadeWithAwesome profile pic Alumni
lol@me having a slogan like this and developing a collab with this concept. Way different tho. That is all.
It's a fantastic concept and very well placed, but the figures are too rigidly posed, eye-wise. Needs work but has potential to be really good.
Love it all, but one thing...try fixing the rock a little bit..
Pure Gonzo
Looks like Towlie should be there asking them if they want a a puff. needs work
ms paint?
make the rock look more like a rock but other than that good idea