Rough sketch, is the concept clear enough?

New collab with goliath72. It would be something as "Persus, Pegasus And Pasta"

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Musarter profile pic Alumni
Great idea. If you do this right, which I know you can, it will be amazing.
goliath72 profile pic Alumni
Thanks everyone! I know it'll turn out great!!!
I get it, nice concept! Good luck :)
DeepSpaceTris profile pic Alumni
It really seems super solid, I can't think of anything to change with what you've got up there. I imagine there'll be a few moments of pondering when you're putting the scene together, maybe have his mirrored shield on the ground next to him or something like that, classic room of toys, but mostly...that seems solid. Character and story everyone knows and loves, easy to understand, humorous, it's the total package. Enjoy your winnings, ha!
Thanks everyone, glad you like it!! @ TenkenNoShin I'll work more on scene background. Thanks. Here is some line work and coloring...Don't have much time lately so i hope i'll finish it this weekend