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Duffel Bags

Custom printed duffel bags for your travel needs.

Duffel Bags Make distinct duffel bag designs for your fans on the go! Make distinct duffel bag designs for your fans on the go!

$53.57 - 66.25 Product Cost*

$64.95 - 79.95 Suggested Retail Price

Product Description
Duffel bags come in two different sizes (19" x 9.5" x 9.5" or 23" x 12" x 12"), featuring a stretchy mesh side pocket and an inner zip pocket for even the bulkiest storage needs. They also come with a removable shoulder strap and feature a “Hello, I Belong To” ID tag on the inside pocket.
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* Each Artist Shops product has a Base Cost, which is equal to the Product Cost plus a 5% processing fee based on the purchase price of that product. To calculate your earnings, subtract the Base Costs from the purchase price and you keep the difference.