The Absurd Retro Packaging challenge winner is here!
91 designs /
printed design /
8,123 votes placed
The challenge was
Turn vintage charm on its head!
Everything comes back in style!
Vintage product labels and toy packaging from way back when gave even the biggest brands a “ma and pa shop” charm. And of course, there are products from back in the day with charming labels that make us go “aw” as much as they make us go, “wtf, this was a thing??” So for this challenge, we want you to take the charm of old toy packaging, children’s books, or food stuff and use it for RIDICULOUS products. Think absurd board games like “Mystery Date: Catfished Edition”. Design ridiculous titles for vintage “Little Golden Books” style book covers with a twist, like “P is for Ponzi Scheme!” Use wordplay to mash up retro design with the modern era, like a ‘SPAM’ can label for computer spam (only 15 cents!)
Today’s packaging labels are just the vintage labels of tomorrow, so go embrace your inner Don Draper and create some old-school advertising for absurd products that exist only in your imagination.
Featured designs:
Let's Summon Demons
Beer Pong
Dinosaurs vs. Robots vs. Aliens
Challenge Details
$1,000 cash
$500 Threadless gift code
Plus, anyone who is printed (including the grand prize winner) will receive up to $7 on each t-shirt of their design sold on! Read more...