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Baseball Tees

The Baseball Tees challenge winner is here!

222 designs /
printed design / 68,666 votes placed


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The challenge was

Submit a design for a baseball tee.

Hot Dogs. Grass Stains. Mom’s distinctively over-competitive roar cheering you on from the bleachers. If these phrases describe your fondest childhood memories, chances are you have baseball in your heart.

There’s a reason there are no shirtless Joes in baseball, because baseball tees are so frickin’ sweet! Pitch a design for a baseball tee worthy of babes and ball boys alike. Baseball may have nine innings, but baseball tee sleeves have three quarters, so consider that shape in your design. Avoid design fouls, and make sure to use a max of two colors. If the Cubs and the Yankees can sport two colors in style, that’s all you’ll need for a blowout. If you make it, they will vote.

Your design does not have to be baseball themed. It can be anything you’d like.

Challenge Details

  • $2,000 cash

  • $500 Threadless gift code

  • Personalized engraved baseball bat (valued at $100)

  • Travel cooler filled with summer SWAG (valued at $200)

Designs From This Challenge